Full of misgivings, a young woman travels with her new boyfriend to his parents' secluded farm. Upon arriving, she comes to question everything she thought she knew about him, and herself
rating=6,8 / 10 star
Writer=Charlie Kaufman
director=Charlie Kaufman
liked It=40040 votes
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I'm thinking of ending things movie explained. I'm Thinking of Ending things you can. Melancholic and Cathartic, not for the faint of heart.
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Another example of Charlie Kaufman's incoherent mess of a movie, but this time he even outdid himself. The movie demands a lot of questions without giving any answers. It's unwatchable at times, I barely got through the entire thing. It's hard to articulate how bad it is. It's not profound or clever or anything it was trying to be, it's just pointless. Don't waste your time trying to solve the puzzle, there isn't one to solve.
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Imagine someone tells you they want to tell you a story. They begin normally, but after some time an association of ideas causes them to they drift away into a memory. They return to the story, but a little later drift into something they imagine. Then they drift into what they think the future might be like. And they drift all over the place into apparently meaninglessness. There might be meaning in their mind, but it means nothing much to you. The story gets completely blurred with all the rambling, the associations and digressions and the drifting away until you're not sure if there ever was a story the person intended to tell you at all, and you wonder whether the person hasn't lost his mind. You are sure, of course, that the person must be some kind of genius, a great artist, a magically talented manipulator of narrative tropes and a wonderful disrupter of conventions and expectations. Right? No, you think he's nuts or a bore and you can't wait to get away from him. Thus, I'm thinking of Ending Things.
It's all a shame. The film starts off quite interesting - until it begins to go off the rails in the name of art.
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I'm Thinking of Ending things to know. I'm Thinking of Ending things every. This movie was just some bullcrap pretentious nonsense. I can't believe I watched it to the end. What a waste of time. I gave it a 5/10 because that's as low as I go for a movie I watched all the way through (sorry, my rules. I'm thinking of ending things imdb. I'm thinking of ending things netflix. I'm thinking of ending things plot. I'm thinking of ending things movie review.
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